Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wiki-wiki what?

Well my wiki is almost finished.  I had a few setbacks and eventually trashed the first one I was working on in Sandbox.  Switched over to wikispaces and started fresh.  The wiki will be simple, easy to use and is mostly intended for myself and colleagues I directly worth.  The reason... it is setup around our current curriculum.  Anyone will be able to view the site, but only myself and a handful of others will be able to modify it.  At this point, it is only a list of supplemental videos, websites, and interactives that work well with the topics in our curriculum, but it may change to become more instructional for student use in the future.  If you all dont mind, please take a quick look and make a suggestion for improvement.  I must warn you, it is simple, there are no bells and whistles, but it took an incredible amount of time for me to gather all of these resources into one place.  There will certainly be many more to come, this was just what I gathered after looking at hundreds of old emails.  Signing off.



  2. JD, I really like all of the resources you posted on your wiki. I am interested to check some of them out because it looks like they would be useful for my classes as well. You seem to have sorted through a lot of good educational videos. Is your wiki meant to be an information hub with other science teachers at your school for your students to use, or will it be a place to communicate through the discussion tab as well? Thanks for sharing.
